2023.09.17 01:54Nakanojo Biennale 2023 -Day 9-My concern has been the water at the entrance of my venue. It was a little cloudy although I wanted it to be crystal clear. I heard adding some bleach would work for keeping water clean, but nobody li...
2023.09.13 13:30Nakanojo Biennale 2023 -Day 5-This is it. The 2nd Day of the Artist Talk.アーティストトーク2日目。
2023.09.11 02:30Nakanojo Biennale 2023 -Day 3-Updating my movies with some sound edits.映像の音声で気になっていたところをアップデートしました。
2023.09.08 11:30Nakanojo Biennale 2023 -Day -1 Sept.8 -The day before the grand open of the Nakanojo Biennale 2023. オープン前日、ピンクの看板を見るだけでじわっとくるものがある。
2021.02.26 12:58NR Day 14The wild outcrop chase.Just to see how huge the old Nakanojo lake were about 400,000 yrs ago.
2021.02.24 11:00NR Day 13Field work via my lovely studio at the Isamamura. These lake deposits (?) are too tough to rip off for the art work, but I could get to the outcrop crossing the Shimagawa river wearing a wader.
2021.02.12 11:00NR Day 12Stay safe lake on weekday is very still. No fish could survive in this water. Imagine the surface of old Nakanojo lake.
2020.11.02 13:45NR Day 10A cold day at my studio in the Isamamura. After inspiring talk with three artists with getting warm by fire, I left for shooting.
2020.10.12 14:46NR Day 9Nice morning walk and the Open Studio. Felt like leavig home ain't easy when I left the Isamamura for home. Thanks everyone, and the work goes on.